Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

electronic solutions

CAD and Printed Circuit Board

From design to the realization

Laytech makes use of specialized team for the PCBS management and development.

The activity of research and development connected to the design integrate with the subsequent working steps, including customer assistance for the production and the assembly of printed circuit board and electronic systems.

Discover our services

Dedicated experience

All our staff accrued several years of experience in engineering and PCB design field.

Company's know-how aims to develop electronic equipment in particular in avionic, semiconductor and automotive sector.

All-around skills

With a flexible and dynamic structure Laytech shapes itself on customers' needs. Laytech is organised to employ its resources at customer's premises, integrating his activities.

This synergy allows a greater adhesion to design requirements, streamlining development time and ensuring the expected final result, in terms of quality, reliability and timing.

Turnkey solutions

Laytech operates in a very specific and competitive field: the design and manufacturing of complex electronic solutions.

Know-how and flexibility

Hai un progetto? Noi ci siamo...

Contattaci, valuteremo insieme come esserti utili.

Prototyping and simulation

The new frontiers of design

Starting from the creation of the libraries and the definition of the rules of disentangle and placing, it's possible to arrive to a complete prototype that can be validated through numerical simulations of signal integrity and power integrity.

Advanced Prototyping